Course Syllabus

Syllabus for A6712 - Architectural Finishes  -  A Hands-on Workshop

Please note that we will try to have at least one day, probably a Friday but possibly Saturday where we will be on site all day to work on paint reveals.  We need a full day at the site to undertake this kind of study. There is also a possibility that the church site visits will be affected by Church last minute activities such as funerals.  We will track this carefully.  


Class 1.                 1/16/2024            Discussion of class projects and lecture on coating finishes and their documentation.  Expectations on coursework.

Class 2.                 1/23/2024            Lecture on decorative finishes.

Class 3.                 1/30/2024            Lecture on Plaster

Class 4.                 2/6/2024              Visit to Tenement Museum

Class 5.                 2/13/2024            Site visit to PS 046K to examine and sample at Nivola Mural.  We will discuss how to begin our documentation. Lecture on wallpaper.

Class 6.                 2/20/2024            Lab to prep samples.  Lecture

Class 7.                 2/27/2024            No class but we will have a make up class. 

Class 8.                 3/5/2024              Class at Church Site to document, sample, and identify locations for paint reveals.  .

3/12/2024            Spring Break

Class 9.                 3/19/2024            Class at Church Site to undertake reveals.

Class 10.               3/26/2024            Class in lab at Columbia start putting together findings report and lecture on glass finishes.

Class 11.               4/2/2024              Class in lab at Columbia to continue with examination of samples and any additional research if required.   Lecture on plastic finishes.

Class 12.               4/09/2024            Class in laboratory to combine all findings and analyze the data and  work on presentation and report.  Lecture on Mistakes or Lessons Learned.

Class 13.               4/16/2024            Class in Columbia laboratory for Presentation to Clients.

Class 14.               4/23/2024            Class in Lab to produce Final Report and final lecture.

Please note that readings will be given for each class and discussed in class whether we are in the Lab at Columbia or at the site.    



Attendance                                                                    20%

Assignment                                                                    20%

Conditions and Finish Reports                                    20%

Presentation to Client                                                  20%

Final Documentation Report                                       20%

Course Summary:

Date Details Due